Layout Tip: Squeeze Your Glutes, Knees and Legs Straight

If You want to twist better you need to invest in your air form. The first weak link is learning how to squeeze your layout into a tighter shape. This means you need to actively squeeze your glutes, your knees and legs all at the same time once you are in the air.

Maximum squeeze

Maximum squeeze

Now of course this is all secondary to learning how to flip backwards you can’t build the space station without first learning how to get into orbit.

After take off from the ground you need to focus on three main areas that squeeze.

  1. The Glutes, by pushing the hips open.

  2. The Knees by Squeezing the Legs Straight, you should feel the knee cap tightening and the quads flexing

  3. Squeeze your adductors or inner thighs together.

Not only will this make a better layout, it will also improve your twisting ability because everything is moving as one unit. But more on that later.

Now this is a tough shape to hold strong through the whole skill and it will take a while to learn it well. We are not talking mastery in one or even several sessions. mastery is when you no longer have to think about it you just do it, it is “muscle memory“ then you can devote your attention to other areas because you trust your body to do the right thing.

A simple way to practice this tight position is to lay on your back on the floor and place your feet on an elevated surface. You would then lift your hips off the floor by pushing down into your feet. Next is to feel your quads tighten and squeeze your legs together. Hold for a count of 5 seconds and repeat. Then try to emulate that feeling in the back rotation.


Happy Moving everybody. Thanks For Your Support. Stay Strong and Healthy.

Francesco G Caban

IG @movementmonastery

Youtube “Movement Monastery“

Francesco Caban